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Thematic (Final Assignment)

This is our final assignment that demonstrates what we have learned throughout this course. The topic for the Thematic is: "All of the Sudden." At firstI was going to do "All of the Sudden Time Stopped." I got this idea when I looked at a clock in a classroom at school and it froze midway through class. We all laughed at this, but then I thought, 'what if time stopped when the clocked stopped?' Once I had my idea I went back to my favourite search engine Google (of course). I found a picture of a glowing clock and a picture of Usher walking down the street with a group of people:

I opened Photoshop Elements and got to work. First I created a new file and dragged the picture of Usher and the group onto a layer and named it "Usher". Next I dragged the clock picture over the Usher picture, which automatically created a new layer. The first thing I did was go to the layer settings menu on the bottom right corner and change the Usher picture's "Blending Mode" settings from Normal, to Exclusion. This got a cool effect that they usually use in some movies to show time freezing. Well usually when time freezes the colour of everything changes from normal to strange.

Next I dragged the clock to the top right corner using the move tool and resized it a bit so that it didn't go over top of the people in the picture. Then I changed the Blending mode to Lighten, which got rid of the dark background around the clock and made it look like it was a floating/ glowing clock.

I had many plans for this theme. I was going to add glowing crosshairs on Usher and a clowing timer ontop of their heads butAt this point I went on Christmas break and came back with a brand new idea. I left the clock idea incomplete and moved on to my next Theme: All of the Sudden I Was Falling...

To create this image I went back to Google (again?) and found an image of a person falling from a building in first person view. Next I found an image of a person falling (but the person is very small and can barely be seen) and a picture of an eye floating in a dream like world.

I started by opening these image files from my saved image files. Next I created a new file and dragged the first falling image onto it  and labeled the layer "Fall 1." Next I dragged the second picture onto the new file and adjusted the layer so that it was ontop of the "Fall 1" layer. Then I labeled it "Fall 2." I took Fall 2 layer and adjusted it so that it covered a bit of the Fall 1 layer then I created a new layer between them and selected the Gradient tool. I used the gradient tool (on a pixelated looking setting) on the new created layer by selected the area in the middle of both pictures. At this point a dark shade appears on the bottom of the new layer. Then I selected Fall 2 (suppose to be on the top layer) and pressed Ctr G. This blended the layers together. Next I dragged the dream picture using the move tool onto Fall 2. I resized it, distorted it and chaned the blending options to Hard light. Next I blended the fall 2 layer with the dream picture and then used the stamp tool to add the finishing touches.

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Movie Poster

The object of this assignment was to find a movie poster and recreate it so that you are inside it (as if you were starring in the film). I was looking forward to this assignment and had major plans for it but unfortunately they fell through. I struggled throughout the whole project until I only had a week left to complete it. So I got to work.

As I said above I started this project with many ideas and expectations. Google is always my friend when searching for images, so the first thing I did was go to Google and type “movie posters” into the search box. After two pages of nothing I spotted an Angels and Demons poster that caught my eye.

I stored it into my pictures file then moved through more pages until a Spiderman poster jumped out at me.
I decided to do the Spiderman poster instead (should have done Angels & Demons poster) since I thought it would be easier to do. It turned out that it wasn’t but we’ll get into that later.

 I asked the teacher for a digital camera and took a few pictures of myself so that I could use Photoshop Elements to add my picture to the poster. I uploaded the pictures to the computer and saved them to my picture files.

I opened Photoshop and opened the Spiderman picture file, then created a new blank file. Then I opened the picture that matched the poster the best. To begin I had to correct some things, namely the resolution, colour, hue, shading, angles, and background of my picture. This took up about two full days of class.

After 3 good attempts at somehow fitting my picture over Peter Parker’s face and matching it with the mask shape, I gave up. I went back to Google and began searching for another poster. At this point we were given a two week Christmas break. I came back lazy and unfocused so for two weeks I played around with other pictures instead of working on this assignment.

After a small wake up call I went back to the assignment and decided to try to recreate a Matrix Reloaded poster of Morpheus.

I gathered images of his glasses and began cropping another one of my pictures to create the poster. I tried to get the lighting and re-shape/ fit the glasses onto my face but eventually I grew tired of this poster and moved on to another one.

 I went back to Google and found a Star Trek poster that I saved in my pictures file with 2 weeks left before final presentations.
Unfortunately as you guessed it, I got tired of the Star Trek poster as well. At first it went well. I went home and took pictures of myself with my own camera, then I sent the pictures to myself.

I began with a blank file. I went to Google and found a black background, then cropped some of the movie poster to go overtop. I dragged my image (after some editing) onto a new layer I created and tried to blend the cropped portion of the poster with my picture using the gradient tool.

As you can see there are three people at the top of the poster and I only have one image of myself. I tried to add myslef ontop of the guy in the middle of the poster but it didn't work out. Then I tried to get two of my friends to send me pictures of themselves so that I could put them in the place of the girl and guy, but that didn't work either.

 At this point I realised that the poster has three people at the top of it while I only had one. So I erased everything and tried to put my picture over top of the movie poster, but that didn't work because my hair got in the way of the others faces. After one week I gave up on this poster too.

My last hope was a Rambo poster I discovered while surfing Google for images for my Thematic. It looked like a simple poster but I had no more alternatives and no more time to go back and forth between anymore posters.

I began with the picture I took for the Star Trek movie poster.

I created a two layers, dragged my picture onto Layer one and then duplicated it (just in case I made a mistake). Next I played around with the picture using the Filter settings. I choose artistic and stencil lines. I couldn't quite find a setting that matched the spray painted look of the original Rambo poster but this did come fairly close. It came out like this:
I switched to the stamp tool to edit my hair and made it look like it is dripping down like in the orinigal poster. Then I fixed the resolution of the picture, resized and distorted it, and added shading on the neckline.

Final Product:

Once I Finished with my picture I added the text. Unfortunately none of the text options available on Photoshop Elements matched the poster text, but this text came pretty close. I added my name, the name of the movie and the date. Then I adjusted the size of the text and placed them like the original poster. Hope you enjoy it :)
P.S. Sorry for the speedy explanation I was pressed for time.

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